Last Week

Hi John,

Two weeks ago was my down week, and last week I tried to do what everyone else was told to do with some modifications/simplifications.

Sunday – off (my wife and I were the support crew for my daughter who completed her first marathon)
Monday – 6.1 miles
Tuesday – 7.8 miles (5 hill repeats instead of 10, but went longer up to Milan, afterwards ran to Capitol and back)
Wednesday – 6 miles
Thursday – 9.7 miles (warmed up to pflugerville bridge and the rock, did 2 1/2 Zilker loops at 10K pace, cooled down to Deep Eddy Pool, didn’t do 5 by 1K)
Friday – off
Saturday – 16.7 miles (went longer than others, avg pace 10:38)

Total mileage: 46.3

Overall, there have been good times and other times. The right tendonitis is still there, but if I stretch it ahead of time I can manage it. My groin is also still there. I also took an Advil on Saturday to help. I am doing core exercises and rollers most nights.

Here is my current plan. I expect to continue the plan we set up earlier although I’m a bit ahead of schedule by about 5 miles per week. I’m also working 3 weeks up and then 1 week down.

Week of February 27 (7 weeks to go) 18 mile long run – 50 miles
Week of March 6 (6 weeks to go) 20 mile long run – 50 miles
Week of March 13 (5 weeks to go) 12 miles long run – 30 miles
Week of March 20 (4 weeks to go) 18 mile long run – 50 miles
Week of March 27 (3 weeks to go) 20 mile long run – 50 miles – Cap10K
Week of April 3 (2 weeks to go) 22 mile long run – 50 miles
Week of April 10 (1 weeks to go) no long run – 30 miles

Went to see Tana on Tuesday, and we’ve agreed mutually that my injuries are overtraining related and there isn’t much she can do for them. So we’ve stopped with the massage therapy.


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