Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

December 1, 2008

Dollhouse construction

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 3:24 am

Katie and I are building a doll house for her friend’s daughter, Lillee. Yesterday we painted most parts with Bin sealer. Then we glued a few things together yesterday and today. After Katie finished work today we selected and bought paint – a pale yellow for the siding, red for the door and dark gray for the trim.

Update: Katie and I continue to work on the doll house. It’s slowly coming together. But we still have a lot of work to do including windows & door, railings, roof shingles, trim and painting.

Update 2: Bay window roof slope created, under eaves painted white, fake eaves mounted and shingled, and corner trim on.

Update 3: Shingles on roof, doors and windows with shutters, and porch railings in process by Kendra and Harley (not shown).

Update 4: Porch finished, eave trim done, front steps attached, magnetic access door latch, almost done, only minor touch ups left.

Interior walls, and stairs installed. There is no plan to finish the inside. We’ll let her imagination do that.

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