Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

July 18, 2005

Internal IBM open source project

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 1:49 am

IBM has a mechanism to create an internal open source project so I thought I’d give it a try. So today I proposed a project to provide a Java interface to the IBM LoadLeveler product that only has a C/C++ interface. Right now I’m in the start up phase. This means that I’m just getting the code library and other associated administrivia done to set up the project. For example I need to get my manager’s OK, and as a secondary I’ve asked for approval from the LoadLeveler manager too which I’ve gotten. We’ll see if it flies. I doubt anyone else would be interested in helping, but you never know. I’m hoping there might be one or two other people in the company that might be interested in helping me with it.

1 Comment

  1. cool. sounds like fun.

    Comment by Justin — July 18, 2005 @ 5:00 am

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